Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Black Plague

So I apologize for the lack of blogging but its kind of hard to blog when you have the black plague. I started getting sick last Wednesday. I didn't think much of it, I never do. My immune system is like the Roman Empire in its prime. Just unstoppable. Like viruses don't even bother trying to attack my immune system because its pointless. Even if I do get sick, its for a day or two tops and I just sleep it off, no big deal.

Well it appears my immune system has been breached, and breached hard. I think this virus used a Trojan horse like trick or something. Perhaps it disguised itself as a vitamin. I can see my immune system now, staring at this shady looking vitamin, screaming "I say we burn it!" However my pussy kidney was probably like "burn it? but it is a vitamin! we need all the vitamins we can get." My immune system accepted the vitamin despite its better judgment.

 As soon as this "vitamin" made its way passed my defense system it began its attack, it shed its disguise and then just wreaked havoc on my body. This leading to 6 straight days of hell, laying in bed with cold sweats, and a cough that caused cruise ships to alter their course. Thankfully though, I think I am beginning to recover. I will hopefully come back stronger and healthier then before. I have learned my lesson and will never trust a "vitamin" that looks like this again: