Thursday, February 17, 2011

Real Life Pet Detective?

BURNABY, British Columbia, Feb. 17 -- A U.S. missing pet tracker and his sniffer dogs have had their trail turn cold in Southern British Columbia in the search for a missing cat, its owners said.
Tracker Harry Oakes, from Longview, Wash., traveled north to the Vancouver suburb of Burnaby with his dogs to hunt down Luna, a one-year-old gray tabby cat who disappeared from the home of clothier Robin Hoare and his wife, Burnaby Now reported.
Hoare paid Oakes $1,000 to conduct the search, saying the pet detective claims a 95 percent success rate in hunting down missing pets on his Web site.
"We brought him in maybe five days after she went missing as … a last resort," Hoare said.
Earlier this week, the dogs abruptly lost Luna's scent in a park, but Hoare said he's not giving up and would post signs in the area offering a small reward.
"We were originally fearing that coyotes or something had got her, but from what (Oakes) tracked, it looks like maybe a transient or someone picked her up and put her in his cart," he said. "We're hoping whoever has her will travel that route back."

Im going to skip the urge to just go ballistic on the fact that somebody is willing to pay $1,000 to conduct a search for a fucking cat. Here I am rubbing sticks together, begging somebody for a job blogging and this guy is shelling out my life savings to find his precious little jinxy-cat.

Instead I want to discuss Mr. Harry Oakes here. He is a real life pet detective? There is really a pet detective thats name isn't Ace Ventura and he makes $1,000 dollars a case? Where the hell was my guidance counselor on this one? Like instead of convincing me to apply to college, sign my life away in student loans, then sit in a cubicle for the rest of my life.....why not just say "go be a pet detective."
Im sitting here laughing my ass off at first thinking Mr. Hoare is a joke when in reality im the fucking joke. This guy is making $1,000 on a cat. Imagine what he must get for a dog or a high end client with a missing horse or a rare white bat!. On top ot that this pet detective didn't even do anything....just came back and said "the trace went missing." (Personally I would have just went Greg Focker on their ass and spray painted the nearest cat...boom case closed!) To top it all off, the pet detective said "he's not giving up and would post signs in the area offering a small reward."......OH GEE THANKS.  I give you $1,000 dollars and your going to put  up a couple posters and offer a "small" reward? Pretty sure little suzzie down the street did the same thing on her own and she is 12 years old. Excuse me while I Google "how to become a pet detective"