Friday, February 25, 2011

Know When to Quit

So I saw this clip on the internet of this guy jumping over freakishly high hurdles.

Now I was too busy playing real sports to ever do track. Sorry it just never appealed to me to do a sport where your main event is what we dread doing everyday in practice....that is running. However, I will give credit where credit is do, because the first time I saw the hurdles set up they were pretty far away. I talked a big game and made fun of hurdlers. When I tried backing up my talk, I noticed the hurdles were getting higher with every step I took. I bitched out at the last second and gave a tough guy "im not doing that shit" remark.

Its still not a sport in my book. Sorry its just not. What I don't get though is when people don't know when to quit. Like if you see this clip on youtube of some guy hurdleing field goal posts and then you review your last track match and it looks like this...

I think its time to throw in the towel buddy. Try cross country, their always looking for "athletes"