Friday, February 25, 2011

Does This Look Like The Face of A Guy That Would Spit His Own Shit in An Officers Face?

DURANGO, Colo., Feb. 24 - Police in Colorado said a man arrested on suspicion of drunken driving put feces in his mouth and spit them at an officer. Police said Kausalik failed a field sobriety test and a preliminary breath test indicated he had a blood alcohol content of .142, nearly three times Colorado's legal driving limit of .05.
Kausalik was taken to the police station for a formal blood test and asked to use the bathroom, police said. Officer Chad Langley said he could tell Kausalik had something in his mouth when he emerged from the bathroom. "As I observed what he had in his mouth, I took a step back and began turning my head as he violently spit the contents of his mouth toward my face," Langley wrote in his report. "I felt the matter strike the left side of my face and head." The report said the substance was identified as feces and Kausalik also had the waste on his hands.

If there was ever a time that police brutality would be excused I think this is the case. I use to think someone spitting in your face was the most disrescpectful thing a human could do. However leave it to this guy to prove me wrong by shoving his own shit in his mouth and going Daffy Duck on this cops face.

This serves the cop right though. Did he never see the movie Instinct? This is what happens when you arrest Anthony Hopkins who has lived with gorillas his whole life. You piss him off  by arresting him and he is obviously going to go ape shit (pun intended) on your ass and start throwing/spitting his feces all over you. Its a natural reaction when you were raised by gorillas. So you can charge him with whatever you want, but the truth is he is just going to hire Cuba Gooding Jr. as a lawyer and then escape back to the jungle anyways.