Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Man Names His Daughter "Facebook"

CAIRO, Feb. 22 (UPI) -- An Egyptian man said he named his newborn daughter Facebook in honor of the role the site played in the recent uprising against former President Hosni Mubarak.
The man, whose name was not given, said he chose the name Facebook Jamal Ibrahim after the Facebook social networking Web site played a large part in organizing the protests against Mubarak that led to his resignation, The Guardian reported Tuesday.

Is this real life? I honestly kind of hope the world comes to its end in 2012 if there are going to be people named Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Eharmoney running around. This poor girl is going to have to explain her name every single time she introduces herself. Not to mention anytime she meets a drunk guy at a bar the conversation is going to be like as useless as the "whos on first" skit

Drunk guy: "hey whats your name"
Facebook " my names facebook"
Drunk guy "your on facebook? whats your name"
Facebook "Facebook!"
Drunk guy "i get that, but whats your name on facebook"

I have always said that you should have to apply for the name of your kid.  This would prevent all of the stupid names we have in the world today. This Board of Names would also have the authority to retire names such as Marge, Betty, Earl, Edna, Gertrude, and the rest of the names that just scream senior citizen.