Tuesday, March 8, 2011

People Are Meeting in Grocery Aisles?

MINNEAPOLIS, March 7 - Grocery stores and co-ops in the Minneapolis area said romantic connections are common in the aisles because food is "something that people have in common."
Vivian King, a spokeswoman for Roundy's, which operates Rainbow Foods in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, said it's "natural" for people to hit on each other at the grocery store because "it's around something that people have in common," the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Monday. "Several people make the same types of food, and you can have a conversation that's not intimidating," King said. Elizabeth Archerd, director of membership and marketing for the Wedge Co-op in Minneapolis, said there is a "fair amount of flirting" at the establishment and Liz McMann, Mississippi Market's manager of consumer affairs, said co-op shoppers are likely to make connections because they "know that (others) share some values ... whether environmental or health or the treatment of animals."

This can't be real right? I mean if you told me to list the last places I ever thought I would meet a girl, my list would start out like this:

1) Grocery Store
2) Family Reunion

I hate people at a grocery store. If grocery stores were open 24/7 I would shop at like 3am just so nobody was there. I would rather starve then go at 5pm before a storm. I hate trying to weave through the aisles, yelling "excuse me" and "sorry" every two seconds. Not to mention I CAN'T STAND people shopping over my shoulder! This is why I shop differently then most people. I pick my aisles based on how empty they are and not by whats in them. If the pasta aisle is packed, then it looks like its meatball sandwiches instead of spaghetti and meatballs. If the aisle with salad dressing is crowded, it looks like my salads are going to be a little dry that week.

So sorry if I can't fathom ever meeting someone in a grocery store. However it should be stated that I shop at market basket. I don't think I have seen an attractive girl in market basket ever. So I can't imagine making a "connection." Like if im reaching for s'more pop tarts and some fatty also has 4 boxes already in her cart, im not going to ask her to smear her number in chocolate for me. 

Perhaps though in a place like Whole Foods this might be imaginable. That place is stacked with female talent. Every girl in their has a nice body and obviously plans on maintaining it. I went into a whole foods once, ill never forget it. I think I stood at the entrance for about 10 minutes observing this MILF haven from a distance before I even grabbed a cart. I questioned why I ever shopped anywhere else. Then I looked at the price tag on an "organic" "unprocessed" piece of chicken breast and I almost fainted! I immediately traded in my carriage for one of those tiny baskets. Lets just say that by the time the lady was ringing me up, I was so nauseous from the cost of my 8 items that I couldn't think about women anymore.

So perhaps the upscale people who are already enjoying the finer things in life may be hitting it off at the grocery stores, but I think the rest of us bargain hunters are too busy deciding whether to splurge for the box of  "Honey Nut Cheerios" or stick with the Market Basket's: "O's With honey!"